design / site management
concept: Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck, Ingrid Jebram, Sebastian Weinert
The exhibition is designed as a wheelchair-accessible traveling and permanent exhibition.
On the occasion of its 100th anniversary the different historical aspects and the working areas of the Fuerst Donnersmarck Foundation will be shown on five self-standing room element.
The elements with a triangular floor plan are designed in terms of content and function, that they create a flexible spatial structure that adapts well to the respective spatial conditions of the individual exhibition stations. This allows visitors to stroll between the stations and choose there individual focuses.
For the small permanent exhibition room in the basement of Villa Donnersmarck, the elements can be dismantled to form folded-out wall panels.
Each element is equipped with 5 integrated LED spotlights and a docked table that is easy to drive under by wheelchair.
The spatial and content-related barrier poverty is an important aspect of the concept: good wheelchair access, flip books and multimedia tablets, on which all exhibition texts are available as audio material, as well as extensive in-depth text, photo, audio and video material from the foundation's archive (film documents, digitized photo albums, subtitled interviews).
A whole century of social history is reflected in the development of the Fürst Donnersmarck Foundation.
It was founded in 1916 in the middle of the First World War as a foundation for war invalids in Berlin-Frohnau. Until 1989 it was located in the western part of the divided city of Berlin.
Today it has developed a diverse profile: from children's and adolescent homes for physically handicapped (opened in the 1960s) to residential groups for physically handicapped adults to the ultra-modern PAN center (post-acute neurorehabilitation) today. And from the area of leisure, education and advice - since 1962 in Villa Donnersmarck - to tourist offers: in 2001 the first completely barrier-free hotel with a high standard was opened in Rheinsberg.
further stations of the exhibition:
- Guest house of the foundation - Bad Bevensen
- for the anniversary celebration of the foundation in Berlin-Schoeneberg
- PAN Center - Berlin-Frohnau