jebram-szenografie scenography & exhibition design

The Fuerst Donnersmarck-Foundation1916 – 2016
- the historical Exhibition (2016) 2016

Villa Donnersmarck / Berlin

design / site management
concept: Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck, Ingrid Jebram, Sebastian Weinert

The exhibition is designed as a wheelchair-accessible traveling and permanent exhibition.

On the occasion of its 100th anniversary the different historical aspects and the working areas of the Fuerst Donnersmarck Foundation will be shown on five self-standing room element.

The elements with a triangular floor plan are designed in terms of content and function, that they create a flexible spatial structure that adapts well to the respective spatial conditions of the individual exhibition stations. This allows visitors to stroll between the stations and choose there individual focuses.

  • Guest house of the foundation - Bad Bevensen
  • for the anniversary celebration of the foundation in Berlin-Schoeneberg
  • PAN Center - Berlin-Frohnau

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